It's no secret that proper diet - one rich in whole foods that deliver essential vitamins and minerals - has been shown to battle everything from cancer to the common cold. And for those eager to achieve and maintain good health, a balanced, nutritious diet is just part of the equation. But -as many may not realize - diet also plays a significant role in the aging process. Subsequently, a comprehensive and consistent antiaging diet can allow you to live a longer, much healthier life.

Life expectancy has certainly increased throughout the centuries, due in part to advances in medicine and technology. But, as researchers learn more and more about the effects of certain foods on the body, we, as consumers, have followed suit - integrating healthier choices into our lives while minimizing or even eliminating less healthy foods. An antiaging diet makes use of the best in the foods available to use while avoiding those foods that work against the natural processes of our bodies.

The human body relies on billions and billions of tiny cells that work together to perform all the functions we take for granted. Cells - like stars in the sky - die; and in their place new cells are formed. We have a direct impact on the health of these new cells. Cells that are exposed to poor diet, chemicals, environmental pollutants, and so forth, are compromised and tend to be weaker than their previous counterparts. These unhealthy cells can easily fall victim to free radicals - unstable molecules in the body - and, consequently a host of diseases.

But if we empower these cells with an antiaging diet that includes proper nutrition they will have the tools necessary to keep themselves healthy and working at optimum levels.

An antiaging diet is largely based on common sense. First and foremost, increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Concentrate on green, leafy vegetables or those with deep color to them - spinach, kale, carrots - and eat a variety of all different types. Specific vegetables contain high levels of antioxidants. And all vegetables have a variety of vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy. There are those fruits that contain antioxidants as well - apricots, watermelon, and berries - and fruits of all varieties contain nutrients found to fight heart disease and a myriad of illnesses.

Eating a well-rounded antiaging diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and protein - such as lean meats and raw nuts - will ensure that you have all that you need. But ensuring that you avoid what you don't need is just as important. Minimize your intake of fatty, greasy, and fried foods.

Just a little bit of effort on your part, your antiaging diet will find you looking and feeling better and will put you well on your way to enjoying a long and healthy life.


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